The highly practical manual, ELIMINATION OF AMERICAN FOULBROOD WITHOUT THE USE OF DRUGS is a must-have for beekeepers.
The Manual combines research and scientific understanding regarding AFB, with practical techniques used to overcome large-scale outbreaks and the elimination of the disease from hives.
An authorative must-have text for all beekeepers, whether they own one beehive, or manage a large-scale commercial beekeeping enterprise.
Now in its 3rd edition, The Australian Beekeeping Manual has been updated to include the latest developments in pest and disease management, with specific reference to Varroa
The Australian Beekeeping Manual is the most comprehensive reference for both novice and experienced beekeepers in Australia.
The accessible yet detailed text, supported by over 350 full-colour photographs and illustrations, covers all the key areas, from the beekeeping equipment needed and how to obtain bees to the basics of colony management, pests and diseases, native bees, and rearing queens.
An invaluable beekeeping resource that will be referred to time and time again, and which can be taken out to the hive for use as an immediate step-by-step guide or read at leisure.
A standout reference for the new beekeeper; even experienced beekeepers will learn a thing or two...contains a wealth of information and great value.
Hard Cover, 350 pages, A4, Full Colour
- This book describes native bees generally and provides a complete guide to keeping Australian native stingless bees.
- Richly illustrated with over 500 photos, drawings and charts.
- Written by an expert who has spent a lifetime intimately engaged with Australian Native Bees.
- All about sugarbag honey, including how to extract it from hives
Australian Native Bees AgGuide Combining the substantial expertise of many of Australia's leading native bee researchers, this book is a guide to observing and keeping Australia's broad range of native bee species.
Table of contents:
- Bee biology and behaviour
- Bees as pollinators
- Agricultural bee escapes
- Native bees for pollination services
- Urban bee ecology
- Creating artificial nest sites for Australian solitary and semi-social bees
- Bee identification
- Stingless bees
- Capturing, photographing and classifying bees
- Bee biosecurity
- FAQ about Australian native bees
- Brilliantly photographed and illustrated and includes 170 full-colour A4 pages.
The Bee Friendly Garden
An excellent guide for all gardeners great and small to encouraging bees and other good bugs to your green space.
A grower's handbook to attracting bees and other beneficial insects.
Bees are our most important pollinators and they are in decline the world over. They love to live in urban environments, where it's a short flight path from one type of plant to the next.
But conventional gardens that favour lawns and pesticides over flowers and edible plants are scaring the good bugs away.
The Bee Friendly Garden is a guide for all gardeners great and small to encouraging bees and other good bugs to your green space.
- How bees forage
- Why your garden needs them
- Comprehensive plant guide to bee friendly plants –
- Simple changes anybody can make –
- Ideas for gardens of all sizes –
- Natural pest control
- Companion planting advice
- 233 A4 pages,
1800 233 947 or 1800 BEEWISE
Projects and recipes using honey, beeswax, propolis, and pollen to make your own soap, candles, creams, salves, and more.
This is a detailed reference book for all things beeswax. It offers a basic introduction to extracting and purifying beeswax, as well as many items that can be made with it.
Detailed recipes to get started crafting your own soaps, balms, salves, and more
- Candle Making
- Balms & Bars
- Salves, Creams & Scrubs
- Soaps
- Home Products
- Beeswax Art
- 136 A4 pages; full colour
An eye-opening and thought-provoking insight into one of the most beneficial insects, whose important role in our lives is often overlooked.
Throughout our history, most people have generally taken bees for granted. But now they are under pressure. Writers and conservationists have worked hard to raise our awareness of their plight, and nowadays no respectable community is far from a few hives.
Hard Cover 225 x 203mm; 160 pages; Full Colour photographs
This excellent and highly informative book covers the Ingredients, Equipment, Processes, and Recipes for Crafting Honey Wine -
- USA based, Steve Piatz is an award-winning beer and mead-maker
- A fellow of the Minnesota Homebrewers Association
- A member of the Saint Paul Homebrewers Club
- Grand Master V BJCP (USA Beer Judge Certification Program) judge
- Exam Director for the BJCP exam program
This practical guide for the identification and control of Varroa Mite is an essential text for amateur and commercial beekeepers.
It draws from world-wide studies and experience leading to the best practical Varroa Mite control methods
- A highly authoritive and comprehensive reference book covering Eucalypts in WA's South West ranges and coast.
- Expanded 352 pages in full colour
- New Jarrah discovery - early flowering
- Updated with 6 new species
- Extensive updates to species distribution maps
- Additional images included to assist with identification
- Updated quick reference chart for all flowering times for apiarists
A 'MUST HAVE' for beekeepers.
Eucalypts of WA Wheatbelt
The wheatbelt of Western Australia is pure eucalypt country. Eucalypts are ever present and well adapted to the diverse habitats, occurring across this extensive region, offering great opportunities for beekeepers.
A 680 page reference book that will be the cornerstone of floral understanding in apiculture for many years to come.
Understanding the biology of flora and its value to honey bees is core knowledge for successful beekeeping. Bees feed on nectar and pollen. No food equals no bees!
With the recent outbreak of Varroa Mite in Australia, beekeepers must be ever wary about bee pests and diseases.
Beekeeping Pests & Diseases provides a complete guide to prevention and management as related to Australian conditions.
A standout reference for the new beekeeper; even experienced beekeepers will learn a thing or two...contains a wealth of information and great value.
Most of us are aware of the hive mind—the power of bees as an amazing collective. But do we know how uniquely intelligent bees are as individuals?
In The Mind of a Bee, Lars Chittka draws from decades of research, including his own pioneering work, to argue that bees have remarkable cognitive abilities. He shows that they are profoundly smart, have distinct personalities, can recognize flowers and human faces, exhibit basic emotions, count, use simple tools, solve problems, and learn by observing others. They may even possess consciousness.
1800 233 947 or 1800 BEEWISE
Whether you are a novice looking to get started with bees, an experienced apiculturist looking for ideas to develop an integrated pest-management approach, or someone who wants to sell honey at a premium price, this is the book you've been waiting for.
- The basics of bee biology and anatomy
- Urban beekeeping
- Identifying and working with queens
- Parasitic mite control
- Hive diseases
- Hive Management
- Genetics and Breeding
- The Honey Harvest
- The Future of Organic Beekeeping
Natural Beekeeping brings together the best "do no harm" strategies for keeping honeybees healthy and productive with nontoxic methods of controlling mites; eliminating American foulbrood disease without the use of antibiotics; selective breeding for naturally resistant bees; and many other detailed management techniques, which are covered in a thoughtful, matter-of-fact way.
Principles of organic cropping plus extensive case studies for a range of enterprises such as soybeans, wheat, citrus, nuts, coffee, strawberries, tropical fruit, sheep, cattle, vegetables and many other examples.
- Organic crops:
- Choosing a crop
- Growing the crop
- Pest and disease management
- Weed management
- Planning the organic orchard or crop
- Marketing
- Conclusion
- Growing principles for all crops
- and more
How to farm in a way that cares for the environment, without using synthetic chemicals. Includes composting, earthworms, converting to organics and certification.
- Introduction to organic farming
- Converting to organics
- Soil fertility
- Composting
- Earthworms
- Compost worms
- Certification
- Glossary
- Useful contacts
Maximise the value of your hive products
This highly informative book is about more than just honey production.
The complex behaviour of bees results in other products such as wax, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and, for older bees, bee venom.
There are a range of possibilities for beekeepers to consider when it comes to overall profitability of keeping honey bees.
A beautiful hard cover book full of useful information regarding Her Magesty the Queen.
QueenSpotting challenges nature lovers, science fans, and beekeepers alike to ‘spot the queen’.
This highly informative hard cover book celebrates the unique, fascinating life of the queen bee, includes 48 full colour examples of spotting Her Royal Highness.
The wellbeing of the queen bee is linked to the wellbeing of the entire colony, so the ability to find her among the residents of the hive is an essential beekeeping skill. In QueenSpotting, readers are challenged to spot the queen in vivid up-close photos of her royal highness hidden among her many subjects.
QueenSpotting celebrates the unique, fascinating life of the queen bee. It chronicles royal hive happenings such as The Virgin Death Match, The Nuptual Flight – when the queen mates with a cloud of male drones high in the air – and the dramatic Exodus of the Swarm from the hive.
Format: Hardback
Size: 178mm x 203mm x 127mm
Pages: 128 plus 48 fold-out photo puzzles.
This richly informative and beautifully written 192 page hard cover book includes 80 wonderful recipes from around the world.
A wonderful tome by an Australian beekeeping guru.
Stan's Bee Book will undoubtedly be enjoyed by experienced commercial beekeepers.
For the novice it will help in the understanding of the finer points of the life of the colony whilst assisting in the development a system to manage hives efficiently.
Urban Beekeeping: The City as a Hive, a beautifully presented hard cover 248 page full colour tomb.
It is written by the Head Beekeeper at Parliament House Cormac Farrell, and utilises his decades of experience managing several apiaries and orchards throughout Canberra.
With chapters on hive types, various bee species, planting to feed your bees, and business ideas outside of just honey, this book provides tools for intermediate to advanced keepers to take the next step in their journey and help urban apiarists’ hives thrive in concrete jungles.