small hive beetle

Small Hive Beetle Trap Disposable (Pack 10)

The disposable Beetle Bomb is designed to trap & control populations of Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida).
The traps are inserted between the outer frames of the top box.
Fill with approximately 25mL canola or sunflower oil.
Insert between the outer-most frames as the SHB tends to try to attack the colony and its stores at the periphery.

Beetle Bomb works!

  • Low-cost Beetle Bomb is easy to use - low maintenance
  • Can be used at any time of year as required
  • Acts as a sentinel to detect the arrival of the Small Hive Beetle
  • Controls populations of Small Hive Beetles when they arrive
  • Inspection of the trap is easy, unambiguous and clean
  • Low-cost consumables – small quantity of vegetable oil
  • The trap does not interfere with normal hive activities
  • Environmentally friendly and in no way harms honeybees or hive products
  • SHBs can be easily and hygienically disposed of in the low-cost, disposable trap
  • The trap targets only SHBs and can be used at any time of year as required
SKU#: PC00110 In stock